You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.9. REPORTS Menu > 1.9.2. Reports - Report Generator > Report Generator - Edit Menu > Edit - Add Field > Adding Image Fields
Adding Image Fields

Image fields are for images you want displayed on your report. For example, you might want your company logo displayed on the first page of a report or in the report headers. Alternatively, if you have setup Signature Capture in POS, you might want customer signatures printed on invoices or other reports.

Image fields can be added to any section of the report except a Question section. In Micronet 2.7, you can only import JPG files. In Micronet 2.8, you can also import BMP or PNG files.


Technical Tip

Micronet cannot handle 32 bit images (images with a transparent background).

To add an image field to a report:

  1. Display the Select Field Type screen.

Refer to "Edit - Add Field".

Select Field Type

  1. Select the Image option then select OK.

Micronet displays the Enter Image Filename screen.


Technical Tip

You can display this screen quickly by selecting the Picture Tool on the Report Generator toolbar and then drawing a box of the required size on the report where you want the image to be added.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Image Source

If the image already exists in a Micronet field, select the field you want to get the image from.

For example:

  • item images are retrieved from the ITM_IMAGE field
  • if you have enabled Signature Capture in POS, you may have setup a user defined question to store customer signatures at a cash register to provide electronic proof of delivery. For more information, refer to "Signature Capture". In that case, you would select the appropriate UDQ.


File Name

Alternatively, enter the path and filename of the image file you want to add, or select the browse (...) button to find the image file.


Print Logic

Enter any condition where the field is to be displayed if the condition is valid.

For example, this would be used in the invoice format where you only want the Sales Tax field to be shown if the debtor is a wholesale debtor. Therefore in the Print Logic field of the Sales Tax field on the report, you would enter:

DBT_RETAIL = =  'W'.

This will only print the field when the debtor is a wholesale debtor.

0 = Does not print


Image Path

2.8 Feature

Micronet displays the directory it is getting the image from.


Default Path

2.8 Feature

Micronet displays the default directory for images.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Report Generator screen for the selected report. If you used the Picture Tool to insert the image field, the image displays where you clicked.

If you used menu options to insert the image field, Micronet displays a rectangle which moves with the cursor.

  1. Move the rectangle where you want your image to be printed and then click.

Micronet inserts the image on the report where you clicked.

  1. You can move the image field by clicking the Select Tool on the Report Generator toolbar, clicking inside the field you just added and then dragging it to the required position on the report.

  1. To resize the image, select any of the image handles and resize it to the size you want it printed on your report.

You can hold down the Ctrl key to maintain the image's height to width ratio.



When the report is saved, the image in the report is saved into an \Images folder within your Micronet folder. Never delete the files in this folder.

  1. To edit the field you just added, refer to "Edit - Edit Field".
  2. To delete the field you just added, refer to "Edit - Delete Field".